- http://www.lavoz.com.ar/politica/denuncian-que-la-nueva-ley-de-alquileres-hara-subir-los-precios-de-locacion
- http://www.lavoz.com.ar/ciudadanos/inquilinos-de-que-se-trata-el-proyecto-para-controlar-el-aumento-de-alquileres
- http://www.lavoz.com.ar/ciudadanos/los-proyectos-que-buscan-cambiar-la-suerte-de-los-inquilinos-en-2017
- http://www.lavoz.com.ar/politica/ersep-eligen-vocal-pero-la-oposicion-sospecha
- http://www.lavoz.com.ar/politica/un-hijo-del-presidente-del-ersep-trabaja-en-epec
- https://comercioyjusticia.info/blog/opinion/otra-vez-la-indexacion
- https://comercioyjusticia.info/blog/opinion/recuerda-todos-somos-uno/
- https://eldoce.tv/videos/politica/pagar-el-alquiler-precios-aumentos-cordoba-inflacion-expensas-dolar_72508
- https://eldoce.tv/politica/cambios-la-nueva-ley-alquileres-inquilinos-anunciada-por-macri-creditos-uva-cuotas_74055
- http://fmpowerargentina.com.ar/rio-tercero-vuelve-a-tener-una-oficina-de-defensa-del-consumidor/
- https://coterranea.com/preguntas-del-inquilino/
- https://coterranea.com/alquiler-y-tarifas-se-llevan-el-90-de-un-sueldo-de-clase-media/
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abril 24, 2019
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Código de Buenas Prácticas entre Inquilinos y Locadores
📜 1. Transparencia y Comunicación El locador debe proporcionar toda la información relevante sobre el inmueble, incluyendo cond...

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his is a short story about my issue with Home Depot
On August 02/2021 I put in an order # 78033084 to buy three kitchen appliances.And I paid for it.
They told me the delivery day will be after August 15th, because the refrigerator wasn’t in stock. Just in case of any inconvenience we agree for delivery and reception on August 30th.
Delivery day promised August 30/2021
I did not receive the appliances.
After my reiterated claims and a big struggle with differents agentes by phone ( I was told there was an investigation process inbetween Home Depot and GE ) finally the mentionated order was delivered on September 15/2021
The problem was: the refrigerator I have received does not work at all.
After my reiterated and insistent claims I was told I will receive a replacement .
I have to be patient and waiting another thirteen days. The promise to deliver the refrigerator on September 28/2021
One day before Sept.27 I received an announcement. Delivery windows time 9 am. to 1.00 pm on September the 28th /2021.
Problems again. I did n ot received any refrigerators . I start my claims a immediately after 1.30 pm. Many calls , and many different excuses .Curiously Home Depot sent me an email announcing to me “the delivery was completed”.THIS IS NOT TRUE.
10) We are elderly people.My wife is severely sick .we can't stay without a refrigerator in the house. The old one was removed when H.D delivered the new one , the one is not working.
11) I am exhausted calling Home Depot every day claiming about this issue. This morning I was told tha HD/GE will start a new investigation procedure and after this they will reschedule a new delivery.
Every call to claim I am attended by a different agent and they transfer me to another department or service from HD or GE.But nobody is able to solve my problem
12) I have already paid for the appliances 58 day ago
Isn't there any face or person to face in?. Just phone calls , every time a different agent answer my calls. All of them are very kind but unable to solve the issue despite holding me for more than 30 or 40 minutes on the phone.
Dr.Sergio J.Rubinowicz,M.D.